541-390-6633 Cullie@CullenMarie.com

Voice Lessons

Private Lessons

I work with my students in age appropriate ways to find the greatest ease and freedom in their singing. For me, singing is the most vulnerable thing I’ve ever done in my life. My desire to find my voice and express my heart with beauty and ease outweighed my sheer terror of making an ugly sound in the presence of others. Honestly, most people I’ve worked with have some degree of performance anxiety. This saddens me because invariably it stems from hurtful messages we received very early in life that we shouldn’t sing because it doesn’t sound good; or, we learned to create a sense of safety by being quiet and not claiming our voice in the world.

Or….some other painful experience that wounded us to the point that we abandoned our desire to sing. There is something exposing and deeply personal about singing in public. Because our instruments are embodied, I think singing is more exposing than playing an instrument. If you have performance anxiety and yet desire to sing, you are in good company. This work is very meaningful for me because I have the distinct pleasure of guiding and observing the process of a human being discovering themselves through the creative act of singing. For this reason, I consider the work sacred and I honor the incredible courage it takes to stay engaged with oneself in this learning process; whether the person is 10 or 100 years old!

All the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art is our life.

M.C. Richards

in Julia Cameron, the Artist's Way

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